Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to Avoid Conflict With Friends and Family, Or Anyone

Genesis 13:8. Abraham in Bible provides a great example of how to avoid conflict when dealing with friends and family. In Genesis 13 Abram and Lot had left Egypt and they had settled between Bethel and Hai. After a while, strife developed between Abram's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen because there was not enough land to support both herds of cattle. When Abram became aware of the strife, he immediately addressed this issue with Lot to avoid anymore conflict (Genesis 13:8, "And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.").

In Genesis 13:9 Abram tells Lot "Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left." The manner that Abram presented his plan and the plan itself stopped strife immediately and avoided strife in the future. The steps Abram used to avoid conflict with Lot can be used by anyone to avoid conflict with friends, family, or anyone.

Conflict Avoidance Steps.

1. Identify A Reasonable Solution to Resolve the Dispute. In the dispute between Abram and Lot, Abram identified that the close proximity of the herds was creating strife. They needed to spread out the herds.

2. Have One of the Disputing Parties Identify Fair Options That Would Be Satisfactory to Both Parties. Here Abram identified two choices (one goes to the left, the other one goes to the right) that he thought would be fair options for both Lot and himself.

3. Let the Other Party Choose Which Option. In the case of the dispute between Abram and Lot, Abram let Lot choose between the two options (one goes to the left, the other one goes to the right).

This is a wonderful way to avoid conflict: have one party divide the object of contention into two satisfactory options, and then let the other party choose which option.

GENESIS 13 BIBLE SCRIPTURE Genesis 13:8, "And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren."

Randall McClure Sr. is author and publisher of http://www.access-jesus.com

Access-Jesus.com helps people learn about, love, and promote Jesus.

Christmas - The Birth of the Christ Consciousness Within

The Christ is not just one person. The Christ is an "office" or "position" we ALL attain to. The word Christ means, "the anointed one." Jesus came to show us the way to be a vessel for the Love of God to manifest.

When the Christ Spirit entered Jesus he had perfected His soul in many lifetimes to be a worthy temple for Love incarnate. Edgar Cayce said that Jesus was Adam. In the "fall" was the promise of full redemption.

The Christ Consciousness is part of the Trinity, known by different names in many religions. The Father is the Will and Power of God, the Son or Daughter, the Christ, is the Love of God, and Holy Spirit Mother is the Thought, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth, Faith and Wisdom of God Goddess.

Where did the concept of the Christ come to mean just one person? Was it a matter of control?

The Christ of our time was Jesus. In every age the Christ Spirit enters an advanced soul to bring higher learning to the people of that time. Moses, Abraham, Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed, have all come to teach their people a more advanced connection to the Great Spirit. There is always a great teacher who comes to show us the way and the great possibilities of us as Human/Divine beings.

The biggest secret is that God is within each one of us, and also in every atom of space and in every form we see.

This Christmas, let us pray to truly forgive anyone who we may be angry with, including forgiving self. Let the power of Love heal all wounds.

Enjoy Christmas and observe the 12 Holy Days December 26-January 6, as a dedication to the 12 months ahead. Let this devotion bring you ever closer to the possibility of the Christ of Love being born within.

Let this sacred season bring us joy, peace and healing of all conditions. Let the Christ Consciousness of Love be born within each one of us so that we may usher in the 1,000 years of peace!

2008 Merry C. Battles

Merry C. Battles has worked in the healing arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu (an ancient form of Japanese Acupressure), CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, and foot reflexology. Merry is the author and illustrator of Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6 Merry's book is a compilation of her 26 year meditation journey with the twelve holy days. Her book can be used all year as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac.

Merry has been a student of the ancient mysteries for as many years. Her greatest joy in life, along with her grandchildren, is to learn about the spiritual. This is reflected in all of her work.



Breathing Your Troubles Away - The Way You Breathe Can Heal and Transform Your Life

The breath has the capacity to ease pain and soften tension.When you concentrate on breathing, your mind is able to gather together all its scattered energies. Your mind becomes much more focused, quiet, and clear. In fact, when you focus on your breathing, you are in the present, in the here and now. You are able to truly shift from one state of consciousness to another.

The Breath Moves Consciousness

Some great thinkers have actually said that the breath has the power to actually move matter and consciousness to new states of being. The breath is the life force.. When you focus on breathing, you focus on directing the life force within you This focuses and quiets your mind and helps you move energy. That's why it's so powerful to breathe into your difficulties. It moves them, shifts them, transforms them.

Rapid, Anxious Breathing

Notice your breathing when you feel anxious and uncentered. It's high up in your chest, and it's shallow and rapid. Some people feel as if their feet are going to leave the ground. Others break out into pronounced sweats. Rapid breathing and fear thoughts can create the perception of anxiety.

By breathing more deeply and bringing your breath down into your belly, you'll feel a greater sense of peace. You pay attention to what's bothering you, then breathe into your issues and breathe them out deeply transforms your life experiences.

Constricted Breathing

When you open and relax your breathing, you're able to release and transform old habits of mind with greater ease. The Buddha said, "Being sensitive to the whole body, the yogi breathes in; being sensitive to the whole body, the yogi breathes out."

When we inhale, the air comes into the inner world. When we exhale, the air goes out to the outer world. The inner world is limitless, and the outer world is also limitless. . . . Actually, there is just one whole world. -Shunryu Suzuki, The Enlightened Mind

Want to learn more about life transformation, spiritual growth, and healing? You can download our 100 page free ebook, Extraordinary Healing at http://www.thewisemind.com. You can also subscribe to our wonderful free monthly newsletter, "The Transformation News." Marilyn Gordon is a board certified hypnotherapist, teacher, speaker, healer, school director, and author with over thirty years of experience. Her latest book is The Wise Mind: The Brilliant Key to Life Transformation and Healing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Undines - Nature Spirits of the Water

According to legends around the world, an undine is a water nymph or water spirit. Undines can be found in any type of body of water, particularly forest pools and waterfalls. They are said to have beautiful voices, which are sometimes heard over the sound of the water. In Scotland, undines are referred to as wraiths of the water.

According to some folklore traditions, undines can take human form, thereby losing their immortality but gaining a soul. This misleading notion has led them to be a popular motif in romantic and tragic literature. Undines are sometimes referred to as nixes, nasty water sprites with mean temperaments. This is another unfortunate characterization of undines. Likewise, undines are often confused with mermaids and sea goddesses.

Paracelsus, a Swiss philosopher of the 15th century, believed that undines and other nature spirits occupied a realm between that of humans and spirit. Although they resemble man in physical form, they are more akin to the spirit realm in their abilities.

They are actually one of the four main types of nature spirits: gnomes (earth element), sylphs (air element), undines (water element) and fiery salamanders (fire element). Since water is critical for human life and all life on the earth, undines understandably play a significant role in mythology and esoteric traditions.

Undines, along with other nature spirits, are guardians of the earth. Undines are under the direction of their hierarchs, Neptune and Luara. Undines are particularly involved in clearing bodies of water of pollution and other chemical hazards. Undines play an important role in the spiritual world and in the maintenance of the balance and purity of the physical platform of the earth for mankind's evolution.

Rose Greenwood is a freelance writer specializing in spirituality and natural health. For more information about undines and other nature spirits, and how we can assist them as they work on behalf of mankind please see http://www.theheartscenter.org The Hearts Center offers an opportunity for seekers to receive up-to-date inspiration from the ascended masters and other spiritual beings. To purchase books, CD's, DVD's, art, and more, please visit http://store.heartscenter.org Learn about the ascension, karma and reincarnation, the benefits of meditation, the use of the violet laser light and much more.

Understanding the Chinese Calendars

Chinese calendars have been around since 2600 BC. This makes the Chinese New Year the longest record of time in history. In fact, it is even the largest chronological record. It began when Emperor Huang Ti first introduced the cycle of the zodiac, which is still in place today. The Chinese calendar is actually quite similar to the Western calendar. Known specifically as the Chinese Lunar Calendar, it is a yearly record of time. As the name suggests, it is based on the cycles of the moon.

One of the main differences between the Chinese and Western calendars is the naming of the years. Under the Lunar calendar, the twelve years are named after an animal. There is a legend which states that, before leaving the earth, Buddha had all of the animals come to them. However, only twelve came to say good bye to him. He rewarded them by naming a year after each one. They were named according to the order in which they arrived.

Thus is the reasoning behind the Chinese zodiac, which is tied in with the calendar. Many Chinese beliefs maintain that the animal names connected to the calendar are hugely influential for the people who were born in those years. It can affect everything from personality to preferences.

Over a quarter of the world's population is Chinese. That is how many people celebrate the Chinese New Year and ascribe to the associated calendar. Mind, they do not solely rely on the Lunar calendar. The Gregorian system a majority of the rest of the world uses is used by the Chinese for civil purposes. At its most basic point, the Chinese calendar determines the timing of the culture's various festivals.

The calendar is also based around certain astronomical factors. Specifically, it is based around the precise longitude of the sun, as well as the phases of the moon. As such, despite the fact that it is the oldest time piece in the world, the Chinese calendar has been impacted by modern science.

On one hand, the Lunar calendar bases its dates on the dates of the cycles of the moon. The cycles for the new moons are used specifically. Whenever the new moon occurs, it indicates a new month. The longitude of the sun is also used. It determines the Principal Terms of the Chinese calendar. Those in turn determine the actual numbers of each month.

In closing, as mentioned, each year corresponds to an animal. 2009 is the year of the Ox. The year of the Ox occurs every twelve years. The same can be said for the Dog, Rat, Snake, et cetera.

Henry Fong
Feng Shui Consultant.
Feng Shui Absolutely

Understanding the God Consciousness Gestalt and Evolution of the Soul

Two words we will be using often in this discussion are (Hierarchy and Gestalt). For our purposes, Hierarchy will mean the stratified organization and layering of consciousness based on it's abilities, maturity and development. Gestalt will mean an organized and united whole that equals more than the sum of it's parts, and cannot be defined by knowing and categorizing the totality of it's components. When we think of consciousness in light of what we know and see in our everyday activities, we are presented with evidence that some living forms seem to possess more developed abilities than others.

This leads us to the assumption that we are the living epitome of consciousness expressed in human form. We assume that we are the top of the pile of living consciousness, with all other living forms below us. Of course, the word "living" itself is arbitrary, as we all tend to draw our own line of demarcation between what is "alive" and what is not alive. We attribute consciousness to things that are alive, that move, that think, reason, etc. In other words we like to consider ourselves and some animals as possessing consciousness.

If we were able to trace the evidence of consciousness downward on the scale of "living things" we would be amazed to learn that birds, insects, flowers, grass, bacteria and even the cells that compose the human body have their own and value oriented type of consciousness. Their consciousness is not equal in egotistical development as ours, but it is not less in quality, it simply has not developed in the same way as our reasoning mind consciousness. The natural instinctive consciousness of the animals serves them well for their necessary interaction with nature and the environment. We humans are part of a beautiful tapestry of consciousness composing a system of reality rising out of need and developed with a purpose. All consciousness contained within our realty has it's purpose and that purpose is to BE. What we don't understand as yet is that EVERYTHING possesses it's own type of consciousness.

Consciousness is even somewhat aware of itself in the ubiquitous electron, the atom, and even the cells and molecules are aware of their motion within a life form. The American Indian knew only a few hundred short years ago, that there is consciousness in the tree, the rock, the river and mountains. It is rather easy to accept this premise in light of other spiritual enigmas that confound us. Unfortunately with the evolution of our precise physical manipulation in a three dimensional reality, it became necessary for us to focus intently on physical performance of the biological form and we lost some of the intuitive truths that were inherently ours from the beginning. These truths are not lost, they just became buried deep within our psyche waiting to be activated again, to bring about the natural blending of the physical reasoning mind and the inner knowledge that still awaits activation.

So if we were to attempt to stratify and categorize consciousness, we would probably put ourselves near to top of the ladder with a huge gap between ourselves and God. Why would we assume that there are unending gradations of consciousness below ours but seemingly none above ours until you reached that ultimate "God Reality"?

The truth is that there are countless gradations of conscious entities above us of such psychic sophistication that we could only contemplate them as godlike psychological structures and their reality would not be translatable in words. There exist countless very mature, sophisticated entities that we cannot perceive and never will be able to perceive. These are the entities, some of which have experienced Earth reality at sometime in the distant path, have evolved through Earth reality and gone on to other more challenging worlds. Because we cannot perceive these entities with our Earth tuned senses does not mean they do not exist. They exist more assuredly than you or I do in an actuality that is so evolved that even if I were able to explain it, you could not understand. To these "super entities" Earth reality was once their kindergarten just as it is now ours. Earth is the beginning playground for new consciousness. We are here to learn, create, experience, yes, make mistakes for sure, but to learn from our mistakes and create again and again, improving all the while.

Now finally, there is therefore a PYRAMID GESTALT of consciousness with newer consciousness on the lower levels, evolving and moving upward within the pyramid structure as they progress. Of course the very top of the pyramid is ALL THAT IS (GOD). This Prime Being is composed of all consciousness below on the pyramid structure. Conversely speaking if we were to carry that thought to it's logical conclusion, in some very real way, your existence NOW on the lower levels of the psychological pyramid structure speaks of your very real connection with Top of the pyramid. Everything is connected and part of another everything.

Everything is part of something else. Nothing in the Universe stands alone. You are a part of this Pyramid Gestalt, this Hierarchy of consciousness that and between you and All That Is are unimaginable sophistication that you can hardly envision. The fact that you are part of countless entities above and below you as they are part of entities above and below them. "I use the term above and below, when the meaning is more advanced in consciousness development". I am saying that within this Hierarchy, you are part of something else, that is itself part of something else and so on forever. In entity development there is no better or best, there is just more advanced, mature, developed, but all are of the same quality, as they came from the same Source.

This kind of psychic oneness should not in the least bother you or make you in any way feel insignificant. It is quite like the following analogy. You live within your family at the same time you live within your city or county. You also live within your country and live on your continent and there is no contradiction, no jealousy of one above the other even though you are part of all simultaneously. The entity of which you are a part, scarcely notices you, but it's development depends on the structures upon which it rests and give it strength. You are a part of grander entities, and you don't even notice it. You are evolving in that direction yourself, and as your position on this pyramid of consciousness increases in depth and awareness, so will it increase maturity and psychic sophistication.

If you have been anxiously awaiting your unification with God, forget it. You are already as closely connected as you will ever be. As you increase and become more, All That Is increases multitudinous amounts multiplied by the number of all consciousness on this earth. From this you can see that as you increase, All That Is increases exponentially. As an example, as you progress an inch, All That Is progresses a million miles in terms of distance as an analogy. All That Is experiences through all entities beneath itself including you, as you to are also an entity of considerable worth and always becoming more. All That Is doubles itself in nanoseconds. So as there are countless layers of consciousness below yours, there are more above yours also. There is no huge gap between yourself and God and there are others that have gone before you. The more sophisticated and evolved the entity, the more entities involved with it and a part of it.

An entity can perceive dimensions of reality that are not yet as not as developed as it's own, but cannot perceive dimensions that are more evolved.

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: beachinguy@hotmail.com You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://answersbygod.blogspot.com and have a small company recording and selling CD's of the sounds of nature from my web site at http://www.naturesong.net Published author and writer of Spiritual columns (Secret Reality) and books. Owner of a Naure CD company (NatureSong), recording and distributing nature sounds CD's to retail outlets including a wide variety of bird song CD's and over 36 different sounds of nature. All of our nature sounds and bird songs are continuous, ambient sounds of nature without music.

From Pain To Power: Suicide, Part One; The Big "Why?"

Just last week, I heard of another friend who committed suicide.

I can think, offhand, of about five people, not including him, whom Ive been somewhat close to, whove made that choice in my lifetime of 55 years. Sad to say, but my immediate thought when writing this was, That aint bad, considering the state of the world and the challenges of living!

Corey (name changed) was special to me in that I had been a part of a healing ceremony with him where, essentially, he was baptized by fire. I believe I witnessed his physical transformation from a man hounded by personal demons into a man willing to face life squarely. It was a phenomenal experience that happened in an instant. Youd expect someone like Robert DeNiro to pull an instantaneous, visible, change like that off, but the actor would be doing it so we could see it, whereas what we witnessed in Corey was the choice to be it.

Transformations like that happen all the time. We say to ourselves, Well, in Coreys case, it didnt hold very well, did it? But who are we, who keep on going, to say?

What I havent mentioned is that Ive been an integral part of one or another stage of two hundred or more suicides. I was in emergency services as an ambulance paramedic for twelve years, and I doubt theres a phase Ive missed in whatever process there may be. In those and subsequent years, Ive counseled many on the brink. Of those whom Ive counseled, I dont know that any have followed through on the act. Usually, the encounters were flashes of despair that dissipated over time (more on this, later).

But the first thing I say to someone whom I counsel is Yes, suicide is an option.

I come from the point of view that it happens enough, it is such an integral part of the experience of being human, that it could not be otherwise than an option. No matter how much you may try to regulate it, you cannot stop it. You cannot even stem its tide by promising eternal damnation. Its something we do, and some of us more happily than others.

Yes, I said more happily. In conversation, Im sure youve heard of the term shit-eating grin. In the ambulance trade it refers to a look of complete relief and contentment on the face of a dead body. I have encountered these kinds of facial expressions most often in suicides.

With most everyone else, if there is any clearly definable expression at all its in the vein of What the Hell? Get me outta here! The grins of these suicides, however, speak, Ive made it!

Generalization is a trap, of course, and by no means am I saying that suicides are a happy thing. The point I wish to make is that suicide can be as much a vehicle of personal empowerment as it appears to be evidence of resounding defeat.

To live is to get scarred. No one gets out alive -- in the form we have right now, anyhow. The only difference for any of us is when. There is not a one of us who isnt doing something to hasten our own deaths, if nothing else than clinging to a belief in it.

What we do with our lives is a function of choice, which is so sacred even God doesnt mess with it. Free will has no limitations, which means even causing our own deaths (which happens all the time) is a gift offered by life.

What our impressions of life are what our interpretations of our circumstances are is what our lives become. If we interpret our lives as intolerable, with the only outlet remaining to be death at our own hands, then that is exactly what it will be. To the person who commits suicide, it is a by-product of their considered, not casual interpretation of their circumstances.

By no means am I advocating suicide. I am just suggesting that those who are left behind make room to see the world through the eyes of the person who has cashed in his or her chips. If you begin from the place that, for the individual, her world-view was valid, under the circumstances you may be able to grasp that taking her own life was appropriate.

Its funny how we use phrases like, those who are left behind, or, we, who carry on, or, the ones remaining to describe who is left after the dying go and these not being specific to suicides. The implication, as Buddha says, is that life is suffering. We all know and experience this. Perhaps the wonder is not that so many people commit suicide, but that so many more of us dont.

Next, walking in the others shoes.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site http://mauihealingartist.com. It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site http://thestoryofthis.net

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)